Ten Fun Facts About the Loch Ness Monster
As odd as it may seem, this is in fact related to my current work-in-progress. Shrouded in myth and mystery, here are ten as-factual-as-they-can-get facts about the monster(?) in Loch Ness.
As odd as it may seem, this is in fact related to my current work-in-progress. Shrouded in myth and mystery, here are ten as-factual-as-they-can-get facts about the monster(?) in Loch Ness.
By the time this post goes live, we’ll be nearly a week into NaNoWriMo. Send help.
Or you could have a look and find out what I’m writing about. . .
If you’re a writer with any sort of contact at all with the writing world, you’ll know that November is coming. Not only will you be aware that November is coming, you will be aware of what that means: